Saturday 6 April 2013


When the carnival party is finished, it is very traditional for us to arrive and old lady called “La vella quaresma”. Her main characteristic is that she has 7 legs ( these are the weeks that we have to go through before Easter comes) . In her hands, she is carrying  a cod, the tradition says that this woman was in charge of the children’s diet. She had to make them eat fish instead of meat, during the quaresma’s period, that is what the Christian tradition says.
 Every week we take off one quaresma’s leg, and she gives us a little present;  kisses, salty cookies, candies, and the last day she gives us all the ingredients to make a very special cake: “la mona”. This cake is eaten on the resurrection’s sunday, usually the uncles give it to their nephews.

The cooks
"La Mona"
Visiting “La vella Quaresma”

 Catalan: Una sorpresa desprès del carnestoltes!

Quan acaba el carnestoltes, a Catalunya arriba a les escoles la vella quaresma. La vella quaresma és una velleta que té 7 cames (tantes cames com setmanes falten per menjar la mona!), i porta un bacallà a les mans, la tradició diu que era l’encarregada de que els nens i nenes mengessin peix, enlloc de carn,  durant l’època de quaresma, com mana la tradició cristiana.
Cada setmana arrenquem una cameta a la vella quaresma i  ella ens porta un petit obsequi; petons, galetes salades, caramels, i l’últim dia ens porta  ingredients per a fer la mona! La mona és un pastis que ens mengem tradicionalment el diumenge de resurrecció i que els Padrinets i padrinetes regalen als seus fillols.


This term the boys and girls of 3 years are learning about THE FARM!
We have worked the story of three pigs, and we have built three cardboard houses to act out this fairytale. Watch out beautiful houses!

Soon, you will be able to watch the video !!!

The little pig’s house.                  
The little pig’s house.                  

The big pig’s house.

And this is our house!

To study the rabbits we received two rabbits in class, one for each class. We take care and feed them. They are called Rekit and Sol!

  Sol is attending the blackboard
Rekit is about to jump!

And to see the rest of the farm animals we have visited one school-farm, there we could feed the animals and we rode a carriage. We had fun!

Aquest  trimestre els nens i nenes de P3 treballem: LA GRANJA!

Hem estat treballant el conte dels tres porquets, i hem construït unes casetes de cartró per a poder-ho representar, mireu que boniques han quedat!

Ben aviat podreu veure el vídeo!

Per poder estudiar de ben a prop els conills hem acollit dos conillets, un per cada classe. Els cuidem i els hi donem de menjar. Benvinguts Rekit i Sol!

I per poder veure de ben a prop la resta d’animals de la granja, hem anat d’excursió a la Granja-escola Neri, allí hem pogut alimentar els animals i pujar en carro. Ens ho hem passat d’allò més bé!

Monday 18 February 2013

Carnaval // Carnival

Per celebrar el carnaval, el Rei Carnestoltes va marcar les ordres de la setmana: Dijous Gras, a l’escola amb ulleres de sol i barret, divendres al matí, en pijama, i a la tarda, per relacionar la festa amb el projecte Comenius, l’alumnat disfressat de personatges de contes.
Dijous Gras, amb ulleres de sol i barret, com és tradició, vam anar al bosc a menjar la truita. L’alumnat de l’escola vella va emparellar-se amb l’alumnat de l’escola nova i així vam anar fins al bosc. Vam gaudir d’un bon matí tot menjant la truita i al migdia vam tornar cap a l’escola.

The Carnival King said the orders of the week: Thursday “Gras” everybody had to go to school wearing sunglasses and a  hat, on Friday morning, everybody wearing pyjamas, and on the afternoon, to link  the party with the Comenius Project, all pupils wearing clothes of different fairy tales characters.
On Thursday “Gras”, we went to the forest and ate sandwich of omelette. Each student take another student to walk along to the forest. We had a sunny morning while we were eating the omelette and on the noon, we turned to the school again. 

Divendres a la tarda, l’alumnat de l’escola vella va baixar a l’escola nova i en forma de rua vam pujar tots plegats pel carrer. A l’escola vella, els ajudants del Rei Carnestoltes van llegir el pregó i un cop acabat, vam berenar pa amb xocolata abans de marxar.

On Friday afternoon, the pupils from old school went to the new school and all together came to the old school again walking, dancing and making noise along our road.. On the old school, the Carnival King helpers read a poem and when we finished, we ate bread with chocolate before going out.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

L'elecció del logotip // Choosing the project logo

L’elecció del logotip “To read for to love”

Quan van arribar els/les mestres de Polònia i Turquia, vam acordar crear un logotip que fos identificatiu del nostre projecte. Així, cada escola demanaria propostes i, d’aquestes, se n’escollirien tres. Un cop tinguéssim les tres de cada escola, quedaria escollir la guanyadora.
A la nostra escola vam entregar una circular a tot l’alumnat per demanar la col·laboració tant d’ells com de les famílies, podent també participar el claustre i totes aquelles persones que volguessin fer-ho. I aquestes van ser les propostes que ens van fer arribar.

Choosing the project logo: “To read for to love”

When the Turkish and the Polish teachers arrived, we talked about to do an identity logo with our project. On the first hand, every school would ask proposals and then, the teachers would choose three ones. To end, when we would have three of every school, we would choose the winner.
On our school, we gave one note to all pupils to ask the collaboration to them and to the families. Anyway, all teachers and all people that wanted to participate, they could to do it.
There are the proposals that we received on our school:

Es van exposar durant un temps i mentre, es van anar recollint les votacions. Així, acabat el període per votar, es va fer el recompte i aquests van ser els logotips finalistes:

There were shown for a while and the same time, people were doing their elections. So, when the time for vote finished, we counted the votes and these are the finalist logos:


Vam compartir els nostres tres finalistes amb als/les companys/es del projecte a Polònia i Turquia i ells/es ens van fer arribar les propostes finalistes a les seves escoles:

We talked with our partners from Poland and Turkey and shared our finalists. They gave us theirs ones:

Polònia / Poland

Turquia / Turkey